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requirments for staff I_vote_lcaprequirments for staff I_voting_barrequirments for staff I_vote_rcap 
requirments for staff I_vote_lcaprequirments for staff I_voting_barrequirments for staff I_vote_rcap 
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requirments for staff I_vote_lcaprequirments for staff I_voting_barrequirments for staff I_vote_rcap 
requirments for staff I_vote_lcaprequirments for staff I_voting_barrequirments for staff I_vote_rcap 
requirments for staff I_vote_lcaprequirments for staff I_voting_barrequirments for staff I_vote_rcap 
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 requirments for staff

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requirments for staff Empty
PostSubject: requirments for staff   requirments for staff Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2010 8:40 am

Step Number 1: Sign up for the forums
Nobody will be selected as staff if they are not an active forum member ,How would you know what is going on then.. 50 posts or more required.

Step Number 2: Be Active in-game
You must be an active player, but being online isn't the main thing. continue to step 3.

Step Number 3: Respect
Any good staff member respects, and is kind to other players, this is important that you make others feel good about each other, not put them down and swear at them.

Step Number 4: Always Follow the Rules
Any offences posted on the forums under your name, and you don't have much of a chance to be a staff member. Some exceptions may apply, but usually if you break a rule once, you will likely break it or another rule again. sorry.

Step Number 5: Help
Helping players get through the game, finding stuff and fixing issues between people is what owners look for. try to get the new players on the right track and voting to get more players to the particular server.

Step Number 6: Guides
Guides are a way of helping people 24/7, like you may read this guide now, and another person will read it later. you can do that for ingame so when people ask for help, you can direct them to the forums, making the forum a more active community.

Step Number 7: Getting well known
Being a well known and respected player is a great way to gain and maintain a staff position.

Step Number 8: Reports
Reporting major issues to staff members is a good idea, so they can be resolved as soon as possible.
This does not mean be a snitch, but some things which could ruin or hurt a server must be reported.

Step Number 9: Staff Application
Every Staff member must have a staff application, which follows the guide and format.
Be clear as to which area you wish to apply for, check the Team Info page to read up on areas.
To have your application accepted, you must have followed this guide, have good grammar and punctuation, and apply when staff is needed. Your application shows how much you really care about being staff to this server.

Step Number 10: Keeping the Crown
To make sure you keep your position, never slack. Just because you were accepted for your hard work, doesn't mean your in the clear. once your accepted you must prove you were worth your acceptance, keep up the good work, strive to do better and help the server in any way you can. Ask Administrator's if they need a hand with anything, and stay active on the forums.

credits for these staff requirments go to josh all 100% Smile you can speak to him at
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